Version v1.0.1062.0
Switch to version v2.0.1234.0
Preface PART 1 PART 2 PART 3 PART 4 Appendix
Getting started Sequence basics Taming the sequence Concurrency
Lee Campbell
Introduction to Rx
Kindle edition


IntroToRx.com is the online resource for getting started with the Reactive Extensions to .Net. Originally starting life as a blog series it has now flourished into an online book. You can read it online here via the website, or get a copy of the Kindle edition for reading offline.

The content is complete and targets version is 1.0.10621.0 (NuGet: Rx-Main v1.0.11226). Note that v2 of Rx has has since been released which has some new cool features. Those features are largely an addition to the v1 functionality and are mostly advanced features anyway. So, you are still best off learning v1 before getting too carried away with the v2 features.

While you brush up on the foundations of Rx by reading about v1, you can be assured that we are busily working away on getting content updated for Rx v2.0, but rest assured that the v1 content will live on.

If you have any comments or requests, feel free to add them on the official Rx Forums at this post.


Additional recommended reading