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Preface PART 1 PART 2 PART 3 PART 4 Appendix
Getting started Sequence basics Taming the sequence Concurrency
Lee Campbell
Introduction to Rx
Kindle edition

Why Rx?

Users expect real time data. They want their tweets now. Their order confirmed now. They need prices accurate as of now. Their online games need to be responsive. As a developer, you demand fire-and-forget messaging. You don't want to be blocked waiting for a result. You want to have the result pushed to you when it is ready. Even better, when working with result sets, you want to receive individual results as they are ready. You do not want to wait for the entire set to be processed before you see the first row. The world has moved to push; users are waiting for us to catch up. Developers have tools to push data, this is easy. Developers need tools to react to push data.

Welcome to Reactive Extensions for .NET (Rx). This book is aimed at any .NET developer curious about the IObservable<T> and IObserver<T> interfaces that have popped up in .NET 4. The Reactive Extensions libraries from Microsoft are the implementations of these interfaces that are quickly picking up traction with Server, Client and Web developers alike. Rx is a powerfully productive development tool. Rx enables developers to solve problems in an elegant, familiar and declarative style; often crucially with less code than was possible without Rx. By leveraging LINQ, Rx gets to boast the standard benefits of a LINQ implementation1.


LINQ is integrated into the C# language.


Using LINQ allows you to leverage your existing skills for querying data at rest (LINQ to SQL, LINQ to XML or LINQ to objects) to query data in motion. You could think of Rx as LINQ to events. LINQ allows you to transition from other paradigms into a common paradigm. For example you can transition a standard .NET event, an asynchronous method call, a Task or perhaps a 3rd party middleware API into a single common Rx paradigm. By leveraging our existing language of choice and using familiar operators like Select, Where, GroupBy etc, developers can rationalize and communicate designs or code in a common form.


You can extend Rx with your own custom query operators (extension methods).


LINQ allows your code to read as a declaration of what your code does and leaves the how to the implementation of the operators.


LINQ features, such as extension methods, lambda syntax and query comprehension syntax, provide a fluent API for developers to consume. Queries can be constructed with numerous operators. Queries can then be composed together to further produce composite queries.


Queries can transform their data from one type to another. A query might translate a single value to another value, aggregated from a sequence of values to a single average value or expand a single data value into a sequence of values.

When is Rx appropriate?

Rx offers a natural paradigm for dealing with sequences of events. A sequence can contain zero or more events. Rx proves to be most valuable when composing sequences of events.

Should use Rx

Managing events like these is what Rx was built for:

Interestingly Microsoft's CEP product StreamInsight, which is part of the SQL Server family, also uses LINQ to build queries over streaming events of data.

Rx is also very well suited for introducing and managing concurrency for the purpose of offloading. That is, performing a given set of work concurrently to free up the current thread. A very popular use of this is maintaining a responsive UI.

You should consider using Rx if you have an existing IEnumerable<T> that is attempting to model data in motion. While IEnumerable<T> can model data in motion (by using lazy evaluation like yield return), it probably won't scale. Iterating over an IEnumerable<T> will consume/block a thread. You should either favor the non-blocking nature of Rx via either IObservable<T> or consider the async features in .NET 4.5.

Could use Rx

Rx can also be used for asynchronous calls. These are effectively sequences of one event.

You may find the using TPL, Dataflow or async keyword (.NET 4.5) proves to be a more natural way of composing asynchronous methods. While Rx can definitely help with these scenarios, if there are other more appropriate frameworks at your disposal you should consider them first.

Rx can be used, but is less suited for, introducing and managing concurrency for the purposes of scaling or performing parallel computations. Other dedicated frameworks like TPL (Task Parallel Library) or C++ AMP are more appropriate for performing parallel compute intensive work.

See more on TPL, Dataflow, async and C++ AMP at Microsoft's Concurrency homepage

Won't use Rx

Rx and specifically IObservable<T> is not a replacement for IEnumerable<T>. I would not recommend trying to take something that is naturally pull based and force it to be push based.

By choosing the best tool for the job your code should be easier to maintain, provide better performance and you will probably get better support.

Rx in action

Adopting and learning Rx can be an iterative approach where you can slowly apply it to your infrastructure and domain. In a short time you should be able to have the skills to produce code, or reduce existing code, to queries composed of simple operators. For example this simple ViewModel is all I needed to code to integrate a search that is to be executed as a user types.

public class MemberSearchViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    // fields removed...
    public MemberSearchViewModel(IMemberSearchModel memberSearchModel,
        ISchedulerProvider schedulerProvider)
        _memberSearchModel = memberSearchModel;

        // run search when SearchText property changes
        this.PropertyChanges(vm =&gt; vm.SearchText)

    // assume INotifyPropertyChanged implementations of properties...
    public string SearchText { get; set; }
    public bool IsSearching { get; set; }
    public string Error { get; set; }
    public ObservableCollection&lt;string&gt; Results { get; }

    // search on background thread and return result on dispatcher.
    private void Search(string searchText)
        using (_currentSearch) { }
            IsSearching = true;
            Error = null;

            _currentSearch = _memberSearchModel.SearchMembers(searchText)
                    ex =>;
                        IsSearching = false;
                        Error = ex.Message;
                    () => { IsSearching = false; });


While this code snippet is fairly small it supports the following requirements:

To produce this sample is almost a case of composing the operators that match the requirements into a single query. The query is small, maintainable, declarative and far less code than "rolling your own". There is the added benefit of reusing a well tested API. The less code you have to write, the less code you have to test, debug and maintain. Creating other queries like the following is simple:

Push is here. Arming yourself with Rx is a powerful way to meet users' expectations of a push world. By understanding and composing the constituent parts of Rx you will be able to make short work of complexities of processing incoming events. Rx is set to become a day-to-day part of your coding experience.

1 Essential LINQ - Calvert, Kulkarni

Additional recommended reading