Proposal Linking to API Documentation

So if we have our mini-site working as per the spec in Part A, how can we link to generated pages inside code? This is a tricky problem for several reasons:

  • references should not be tightly coupled (but I want to know when things are not in sync)
  • references should not be hard-coded (as my local environment will be different to deploying to github-pages, for example)
  • TODO: other reasons

Some inspiration from Sandcastle

So Sandcastle has this neat feature called CodeReferences which are specific XML tags to point to members (class, method, whatever) inside XML documentation. Here’s an example:

The simplest way to check if JSON is valid is to load the JSON into a JObject or JArray and then use the <codeEntityReference>M:Newtonsoft.Json.Schema.Extensions.IsValid(Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken,Newtonsoft.Json.Schema.JsonSchema)</codeEntityReference> method with the JSON Schema.

But that’s awful. Just horrible.

I’d rather do something like this:

The simplest way to check if JSON is valid is to load the JSON into a JObject or JArray and then use the `Extensions.IsValid(jToken,jsonSchema)` method with the JSON Schema.

Notice the differences?

  • Using Markdown’s code syntax means it’ll be rendered as a <code> tag
  • It reads so much better in this way
  • I chose to specify the class and method rather than the whole type definition
  • Instead of specifying the full type definition of the parameters, I’ve used just the parameters names to indicate which implementation is actually being referred to.

TODO: what about non-.NET languages? TODO: can this mapping syntax be extended?

Other examples:

  • MyNamespace - reference to the /api/my-namespace/index.html page
  • MyClass - reference to the /api/my-namespace/my-class/index.html page
  • MyClass.Foo - reference to the /api/my-namespace/my-class/index.html#foo page

TODO: what if we have two identical classes in an assembly? How can we explicitly state which reference is to be used?

The other half of the problem

So we have a nice way of including references to code, but no way to wireup these links.


As part of the Update-APIDocs step, the XML documentation is transformed into a simple format of key-value pairs (where the key is a piece of text and the value is a URL). This is the lookup values for any API references to use for hyperlinks, and likes at /api/references.json.

Load Resource

A small piece of JavaScript is written to do this task and the templates link to this file in the footer of the documentation page. When the page loads, the script the fetches the references.json file in the background.

TODO: is there a reliable, cross-platform way to cache this data for a period of time? AppCache?

Enhance Document

Once the reference the JavaScript file will then search the current page for any <code> tags.

For each of these tags, if it’s text matches a key in it’s collection, the script will enhance the code tag by transforming it into a link - retaining the style but now becoming a clickable link to the relevant API documentation.

Linking Code in other formats

While that might sound like a lot, it’s barely the tip of the iceberg with what we might be able to support with assocating content together.