
There are a number of features which are in the process of being outlined as specifications.

These features are not listed based on priority - however a more clearly-defined specification is more likely to be implemented.

Configuration Settings

  • What? Being able to configure your environment rather than having to remember to provide the same arguments each time you call specific function
  • Why? Because humans are forgetful and automation is awesome
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Editing Pages from the Console

  • What? Shortcuts for creating/opening/deleting files for those who like to be in VS.
  • Why? Leverage templates and quickly scaffolding a site up
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Publishing Documentation

  • What? Exporting your generated documentation to other systems
  • Why? Because pretty docs are awesome
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API Documentation

Create Release Notes

  • What? Using scribble as a tool for managing release notes using the Semantic Release Notes specification
  • Why? Scribble could support workflows to make things easier for developers
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Visual Studio Extension

  • What? To complement the NuGet tools, we could build in better integration with the Visual Studio build system and IDE
  • Why? Better automation and polish on top of the core system
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