Proposal Publish Documentation

It should be really easy to take your Markdown files and publish them somewhere.

What sort of publishing?

  • GitHub Pages - switch to gh-pages branch, replace content with generated HTML/CSS/JS, commit, push
  • Heroku - raw publishing to Heroku
  • WebDeploy - allows for syncing of content with an external server - requires config, permissions etc
  • FTP - replace content with generated HTML/CSS/JS (requires config, permissions, etc)
  • Zip - export the generated content to a specific file

What other platforms are of interest to you?

GitHub Pages

Dependency: git Configuration:

  • remote git repository to push code to
  • HTTP: username/password permissions to repository (we don’t want this in source control)
  • SSH: key (this won’t be in source control either)

So at any point in time you can run:


Which will…

  • create a temporary clone of the repository (aiming to do just the gh-pages branch)
  • overwrite the gh-pages branch with the contents of the docs folder
  • change some config values based on how the site will be deployed
  • commit and push the changes back to your local clone
  • (optional) push the changes straight to GitHub


Dependency: git Configuration:

  • remote git repository to push code to
  • HTTP: username/password permissions to repository (we don’t want this in source control)
  • SSH: key (this won’t be in source control either

This could be a simpler workflow than the above:

  • take the contents of the docs folder
  • commit it to a specific branch (convention: name it jekyll)
  • git push heroku jekyll

WebDeploy (MSDeploy)

Dependency: MSDeploy client (licensing question: am I allowed to ship these binaries?)


  • remote URL to send content to
  • username/password permissions to send files (we don’t want this in source control)

TODO: sketch out API calls which would be necessary to authenitcate and publish folder containing site content

TODO: do we need/want to handle the first-time initialization of a site? is that even possible?


Dependency: command-line FTP client (no preference, but Windows ships with one)


  • remote URL to send content to
  • username/password permissions to send files (we don’t want this in source control)